Business methods on Twitter must evolve with Google real time search


If you’ve used Twitter for any length of time, you’ve realized that Twitter’s strength is that it’s conversational. People pepper their conversations on Twitter with explanatory items and descriptions but keep it conversational to appeal to those they’re talking to. People optimizing content for Google enter data points that hopefully connect them with the information they’re looking for. Location, name, date, color, etc. The issue is that most of these data points don’t make it into your average conversation; especially an abbreviated one of 140 characters. Most will attach an image/video to show someone what they’re talking about.

The creation of Google’s real time search is going to push businesses to evaluate how they use Twitter. Is it distribution (to also be found via search) or is it conversational? And if it’s conversational can I get key data points into my stream, without sounding like a sixties robot, so I can be found? Some would argue that businesses have already done this based on Twitter’s search but the truth is that the average user is Googling for products/services, not searching on Twitter.

Now more than ever businesses must understand what Twitter can do for them based on their business model. Once they’ve defined that they need to refine the strategy for Google’s real time search.

(Note: I’m pretty sure that any optimization done in the name of digital asset optimization will be lost on the real time search results since it’s not currently embedded in the stream, it’s attached.)