
Google is Going to Buy Twitter


I read in TechCrunch last week that Twitter is going to be enabling search across all tweets in the near future. From this, businesses will able to enable intent marketing (a term that came up after a conversation with the CEO and founder of DOUBLE ENCORE, Dan Burcaw: interview coming soon!). With intent marketing a marketer can know what a user is looking for if/when they tweet/post about it...

Twitter the Interrupter


When I travel I like to immerse myself in the culture as much as possible. I try to eat what the locals eat (a la Anthony Bourdain), shop where the locals shop and find activities specific to that location. I’m amazed at how some tourists, in a “memory recording frenzy” surround items of interest and shoot video, take pictures and generally avoid the actual experience. It really...

Wall•E Gets it Right


Back in July I posted about Truth in Marketing in regards to the wasteful schwag that had been handed out at the Wall•E premiere. I described the movie as R2D2 falls in love with a trigger happy iPod. My point was that the marketers were not true to the character or the message of the movie. The movie showed wastefulness being the downfall of the human race and yet the marketing team for Pixar...

The Impossible Made Possible


Video ads that don’t annoy. I have recently seen a new (at least new to me) type of advertisement on Techcrunch and the Wall Street Journal. It is a video advertisement that automatically plays, which is commonly known as a universally bad decision, but this plays without audio. I was amazed at how unobtrusive this is. I realized I can’t ignore sound (no matter how loudly my son...

Your Browser is Your Online Persona


After watching the TechCrunch round table on the future of mobile, I’ve been thinking a lot about the browser. It was unanimous at that meeting that the browser is going to be the killer application for the mobile world and I realized that the browser is something I really don’t think too much about or give too much credit to. I have used Firefox since it launched and have always...

Medium Specific Advertising


I have spoken about how the Internet is well on its way to being the platform for entertainment, information and communication. This of course extends to the mobile Internet as well. I also spend a lot of time talking to people about the importance of “how” something is done. The premise is that what your doing is not as important as how your doing it. I then quickly site Star Wars as...

The Business World According to Jason Fried


Last night I got to attend a New Denver Ad Club event at the Oriental Theater with guest speaker Jason Fried (freed) of 37signals. I knew very little about Jason and have heard about 37signals from a friend of mine. 37signals is a group that started out as an agency and created products to support internal processes and then decided productize/sell them. Logical progression given the difficulty...

Your Advertising Partner


I read yet another article in the Wall Street Journal this past week about cable customers up in arms about their online behavior being tracked even though they would remain technically anonymous. Not sure what the big deal is if they can remain truly anonymous. They would essentially see your online shadow, would allow you to turn it on or off and would enable on-demand personalized marketing. I...

Truth in Marketing


I went to see Wall•E with my three year old (almost 4) on opening day. When we bought our tickets the girl handed us the commemorative piece of schwag you see just the the left. It is a piece of rigid board with a small watch made of inexpensive rubber attached. When she handed this I thought to myself that it was a cool little thing to give to a child and that someday it could be worth a lot...

Mobile Product Placement


I have been thinking about how product placement might play itself out in a mobile video environment. Screen size is the obvious limitation and I’m not convinced that short-from video will be the primary form of accepted video. I have mentioned in the past some of the amazing things that Japan has done on the mobile phone and the potential future that mobile discovery holds (which is...