
Foursquare eyecandy


This post serves no purpose. I miss the old 4sq and found this beautiful example of flat 4sq design while researching for a post I did this past Saturday. That is all . . .

Why Foursquare failed to reach escape velocity


@simonowens posted a thoughtful piece on LinkedIn entitled Why Foursquare failed to reach escape velocity. I of course, have my perspective on why Foursquare has split/pivoted. (I tried to add my comment but LinkedIn wouldn’t allow me to comment. Probably too long.) Below is my comment. Simon – This is a pretty good post and have a different perspective having used the service since...

Foursquare pivots


I just received this email from Foursquare. I have mixed feelings about this but I respect their decision to listen to the data (aka their users.) Love the new logo! Hi Michael, About five years ago, we launched a little app called Foursquare. As one of the first million people to sign up for Foursquare, you’ve been with us pretty much since the beginning. You’ve seen us grow from a tiny...

Foursquare’s site traffic is pretty high! (graph)


  This is a graph from @compete that shows Foursquare’s website traffic. Foursquare’s an app isn’t it? (One that I love by the way.) 2.6 million uniques is quite amazing! I’ve been watching the site traffic for over a year and it continues to increase overall. To me this indicates that people are now using foursquare on the web to find places worth visiting. In my...