Place shapes in NY
Foursquare’s eye candy from Shinjuku Station (video)
新宿駅 Shinjuku Station Place Shape
Pinpoint: Foursquare’s new geo-location based advertising platform
Twitter is partnering with Foursquare for location data
Foursquare eyecandy
This post serves no purpose. I miss the old 4sq and found this beautiful example of flat 4sq design while researching for a post I did this past Saturday. That is all . . .
Why Foursquare failed to reach escape velocity
@simonowens posted a thoughtful piece on LinkedIn entitled Why Foursquare failed to reach escape velocity. I of course, have my perspective on why Foursquare has split/pivoted. (I tried to add my comment but LinkedIn wouldn’t allow me to comment. Probably too long.) Below is my comment. Simon – This is a pretty good post and have a different perspective having used the service since...
Foursquare pivots
I just received this email from Foursquare. I have mixed feelings about this but I respect their decision to listen to the data (aka their users.) Love the new logo! Hi Michael, About five years ago, we launched a little app called Foursquare. As one of the first million people to sign up for Foursquare, you’ve been with us pretty much since the beginning. You’ve seen us grow from a tiny...
Swarm: Foursquare cuts itself in half
Foursquare is splitting their company in half and the new half is called Swarm. This is worth watching and they nailed their issue. Takes guts to do something like this. Enjoy!
Blake Shaw of Foursquare on contextual awareness (video)
First, some amazing stats.
Cataloged 55 million places
4.5 billion total check-ins
6 million check-ins a day
@metablake of Foursquare talks about their new offering. (Funny thing about accuracy, is that Brightkite originally had place-snapping back in 2008.) I really like the thought of chiming in when you’re out of your element. Enjoy!
Foursquare’s site traffic is pretty high! (graph)
This is a graph from @compete that shows Foursquare’s website traffic. Foursquare’s an app isn’t it? (One that I love by the way.) 2.6 million uniques is quite amazing! I’ve been watching the site traffic for over a year and it continues to increase overall. To me this indicates that people are now using foursquare on the web to find places worth visiting. In my...