
GeekLOVE (inforgraphic)


When I grew up being called a geek or a nerd was a very negative thing. (See infographic below for the difference between the two.) Over the last several years, being called a geek has become a badge of honor, so much so that you can now geek out over your subject of choice. For instance: Food Geek or Foodie Film Geek Fixie Geek Architecture Geek SCUBA geek What’s interesting about this is...

Hurdles for Social Commerce (infographic)


I don’t classify selling items on social networks as social commerce – it’s more distribution – but there are some good suggestions in here to get us over the issues (some that look like old Internet qualms). If you’re wondering, I think of social commerce as this.

LinkedIn or Facebook for B2B? (infographic)


This is an interesting infographic and there are two things that really stand out as critical to the argument. People do not shut off business thinking when on Facebook. Uh . . . maybe . . . Why do B2B businesses advertise during sporting events? Good point but I’m not sure that watching TV and interacting with a brand on Facebook is a truly a one-to-one. Plus, I’m not sure that B2B...