@dieantwoord are raw, creative and offend many! (Toughen up snowflake.) I also love it when anyone creates a grid with their profile page on Instagram. In case you haven’t heard of them, check out this video.
@bostondynamicsofficial Workshopping in Progress with @cirquedusoleil
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Workshopping in Progress with @cirquedusoleil
A post shared by Boston Dynamics (@bostondynamicsofficial) on Oct 21, 2019 at 12:00pm PDT
You must follow @beeple_crap on Instagram!
Don’t know his/her story but their Instagram profile says “art shit for yer facehole”. That combined with the blissfully irreverent treatment of pop culture makes me tune in, every day!
The Golden Age of the Internet is Over (video)
This is worth watching . . .
Anti Social – A Modern Dating Horror Story (video)
The 7 Deadly Sins of the online world
VW’s electric Microbus coming in 2022 (video)
It’s been a long time since I owned a VW Rabbit! And, being a father I’ve always enjoyed the look of the Eurovan. That said, the concept car assembled by VW to give you a taste of what the 2022 Microbus will look like, is amazing. It would be cool to see VW’s new bus used in vanlife’s Instagram feed. 5 years is a long time to wait and I hope vanlife is still doing well and...
Instagram + 80s arcade game
Embrace the collision!
How Instagram fuels the Urban Explorer movement
The continuing evolution of social media
Just as society is evolving, so is social media. In fact, many would argue that social media is pushing changes in society almost as quickly mobile technology. (Sounds like a good book!) Social media has gone through four definitive stages and we are neck deep in the fifth. Facebook -Â With 1.23 billion users, Facebook established people sharing their identity. It’s who you are. This was...