Orphion is an iPad app created by Bastus Trump as a part of his masters thesis at the University of Arts Berlin. I’ve been in love with the apps that Smule has created and feel like we are moving towards a new set of instruments, based on the strengths of the touchscreen. Smule’s Zephyr is one of my favorites and my kids might actually get a chance to play with Orphion. Enjoy!
iPad users buy more but it may have nothing to do with the device
I’ve been running around gleefully, telling everyone who’s willing to listen that iPad users buy more online and gosh darn it – it must be the devices fault! Well . . . sadly . . . this may not be true. If you look at my previous post, you’ll see that average iPad user is NOT your average online shopper; specifically the demographics where they compare iPad owners to the...
The tablet economy (infographic)
Some great numbers here. Enjoy!
Moby & Björk show us music
Back in May, Moby released his latest effort, Destroyed, utilizing new media in a very creative way. His microsite features an interactive map with pictures at various locations. These are images highlighted by white dots were taken by Moby while he was touring and recording his album. The black dots mark the location of Instagram images added by his fans using the #destroyed hastag. (I’m...
Disney AppMATes (video)
Disney has launched a new line of Cars themed toys called AppMATes. Amazing!
The iPad and the human being
I’ve been having a lot of conversations lately that start with, “What’s all they hype around the iPad? I don’t get it.”. Arguably, these people are a little less “dialed in” than some, but this sentiment is still out there. I guess I should start with some stats around the iPad to help illustrate the hype they’re referring to. 1% of all Internet...
Social is the future of the iPad
So . . . I’ve been collecting stats on the iPad as they roll in and I’m now convinced of several things The iPad is device emphasizing engagement: meaning because of it’s intuitive interface and the experience it affords, it’s inherently more compelling, on a biological level. (No joke. The keyboard and the mouse are abstractions that we’re only now shaking off.)...
Brand depth and the iPad
For years now I’ve been running around using the term brand depth hoping it would catch on and I’d be given credit! When I use the term in meetings, I always get one old schooler that leans forward and asks me; “You mean brand equity, don’t you?” Nope. The concept is really easy with the goal being to have as deep a relationship with your customers as you can. (I...
Future of Retail (book review)
I’ve just finished a book by PSFK consulting called Future of Retail. (I strongly encourage you to follow them on Twitter; @psfk. Inspiring material.) The book is a nice tour through all of the technologies/behaviors/trends that’re impacting retail. Instead of reviewing each trend I thought it would be better to list the examples they sited and let you extrapolate (word of the day!)...
The map, the divining rod and the magic mirror
Before you read this post, put your metaphor cap on. Been talking to a lot of clients about what they’re online business should look like and there is a real interest in figuring out what they should be doing in regards to online, apps and iPad. The following metaphors seem to work best. Website – This is the primary method people use to get information about a business. The site has...