I’m excited to have Martin May & Brady Becker guest lecture in my class tomorrow night. I posted about their new venture back in September and here’s a video outlining @Forkly.
The history of the iPhone and more (video)
Amazing iPhone 4S video
I stole this video from The Denver Egotist. It’s a great example of the amazing quality of the iPhone 4S video. Try full screen. (It’s even better if you plug your ears.) Enjoy!
Benjamin Dowie on Vimeo.
Moby & Björk show us music
Back in May, Moby released his latest effort, Destroyed, utilizing new media in a very creative way. His microsite features an interactive map with pictures at various locations. These are images highlighted by white dots were taken by Moby while he was touring and recording his album. The black dots mark the location of Instagram images added by his fans using the #destroyed hastag. (I’m...
Evolution of the iPhone
Quitting smoking (or day 3 without my iPhone)
About 3 weeks ago I dropped my iPhone. The screen cracked, but it still worked and I bought it at Best Buy for their $15 a month protection plan that allows you to get a new one if anything happens to it. (Other than submersion; which I don’t get. An accident is an accident.) I took it in to get it replaced and it was back-ordered. So I held on to it until they had some in stock. I finally...
What to do when your app’s target market is off-target
I have student in my Information Technology Strategy class that has what we all like to call, a “good problem”. They’ve released an app called Who’s Like Me (not site yet) and has had some success with the number of downloads. The issue is, these downloads are happening nowhere near the US target market. In short, the app makes use of your zip code to help you find...
Does your business need an app?
I keep hearing this question. Well, actually it’s more like, “Does my business need an app?” but you get the idea. The answer is, of course; it depends! It depends on whether your business has a brand. (Yes. There are many companies with almost no brand and some make quite a lot of money.) Apps are brand tools. They facilitate your brand experience on a mobile device. That brand...
MegaReader let’s you read on the iPhone while you drive (video)
Oh yeah. I’m sure it’s totally safe. Now if it could just get the stop lights to last longer, so I can get that ever important text message out. (Love the disclaimer at the end.) Enjoy the video!