Don’t kid yourself; hoax or not, this is where the iPhone is going.
Does the Long Tail Apply to the iPhone App Store?
Read this article the other day about the realities of making money with iPhone applications after reading this one about a developer making tons of dough. The truth is that most don’t make much money and the question that I have, is whether or not, Chris Anderson’s theory of the long tail will be applicable to the iPhone (or Android, Blackberry, Nokia) app store? Anderson’s...
Squirrels with FacePal are Following Owyang
I read a post on TechCrunch about one of the Twitter founders, Jack Dorsey starting a company, code-named squirrel that is going to enable individuals the ability to collect payments like merchants. The system is enabled by the iPhone and a physical piece that allows the user to swipe (not steal) a persons credit card. This physical part of this offering is powered by the actual swiping and looks...
iPhone Monetizing New Web, Part 3: The Details
I’ve recently posted about businesses utilizing iPhone applications to help monetize new web and aside from giving you some advertising details below, I wanted to clarify my recommendations. In order to take advantage of all that an iPhone application offers and help monetize your business, I suggest when someone hits your site from a mobile browser on the iPhone, they are given a choice of...
Converging in on Your Online Persona
I’ve posted about the creation of online personas and where they may live (the browser vs. the social network) and recently read (and commented on) a post entitled Firefox Could Be the Real Facebook Challenger by Marshall Kirkpatrick of Read Write Web. This is an excellent post and sites several reasons for Marshall’s belief that these two companies will soon be in the same business...
Mobile Ad Search
Almost a year ago I posted about mobile discovery and the challenges of measuring conversions. With the recent (and really good) news about advertising on iPhone applications (going from contextual on a mobile site to behavioral on an application) and GeoTweeting adoption growing, I’ve been thinking about the other side of conduit marketing; the business. I think it will be hard to convince...
The iPhone is the Concept Car
Ever wonder why auto makers don’t release concept cars as production cars? (Wow. I sound like Andy Rooney.) Well, I have. I’m not really a car guy and sometimes I do end up at car shows and see the most amazing cars but rarely do they end up in the showroom. Some recent examples are: The Cadillac Sixteen The Audi Locus The BMW H1 Volvo SC90 As far as I understand it, the car industry...
Little Dead iPhone Apps
Just read a report by Greystripe, that talks about how iPhone app users are NOT utilizing their applications. The reports lists the following items of interest: Users spend about 9.6 minutes at a time with their apps, accessing them nearly 20 times before they are abandoned. 44% of iPhone app users have an income of $78,000 or more 15% earn $165,000 or more 52% of app users are male and the rest...
iPhone Monetizing New Web: Part 2
I recently posted about iPhone applications potentially being the key to monetize Web 2.0 sites. I recently found a report by AdMob for March 09 that indicates that half of all their total ad responses (out of 6000 sites and 1000 applications) came from applications on the iPhone and G1 (HTC Dream). This is an amazing number and not terribly surprising when we start to think about applications...
Are iPhone Apps the way to Monetize the New Web?
Just saw this video for the new NIN iPhone application and it begs the question as to whether iPhone applications could be used to monetize web 2.0 businesses. With a combined 30 milli0n iPhones and iTouches out in the wild and new app stores from Android and Blackberry this is going to be one way to generate revenue through one-time fees or subscriptions (with 3.0). Of course someone can access...