When I talk with businesses and students about the latest mobile marketing methods, they tend to feel like the potential is all over the map (no pun intended) and I thought it would be good to categorize these offerings for the sake of clarity, as we move into the new hyper-local world. Opportunities – These are time sensitive offers such as discounts or coupons. There is data out there...
Locals only: What does hyper-local mean?
We’ve been hearing the term hyper-local thrown around and declared the future of social media/mobile for the past year. Sounds great. Now, what the hell does it mean? At 30,000 ft, hyper-local means instead of saying Denver, you’d break Denver out into its constituent parts such as Highlands, Capital Hill, LoDo, LoHi, Edgewater, Cherry Creek and WashPark. Something, only locals would...
Information Technology Strategy: Class 8 – Mobile
Last night we started covering the mobile landscape. My goal was to cover the basics but we quickly got into the rock-n-roll. First, let’s talk about off-deck vs. on-deck. In a nutshell, on-deck is the AOL experience for mobile. Think Motorola Razor. The official definition is: A browseable portal of links to content, pre-configured usually by the network operator, and set as the default...
Foursquare isn’t important. The behavior is.
Most of the time, when I talk to entrepreneurs about what can and can’t be done, they see the potential limitation as a function of the technology. Well, I’m here to tell you that technology isn’t the issue. Just about anything short of time travel (which Google is currently working on) can be done. Technology is not the limiting factor. User behavior is. I have at least three...
Social media & location: a restaurateur’s recipe
I recently had a conversation with restaurateur who has been tasked with creating the social media strategy for several restaurants. It was an interesting talk. I’ve had no exposure to this business model other than sitting down to eat or waiting tables as a youth. We talked about the specifics around this business model and I thought it made for an interesting post. It’s also a...
SXSW check-in visualization (video)
Found this awesome visualization of check-ins at this year’s SXSW, across Brightkite, Foursquare, Twitter, Gowalla, etc on SimpleGeo. Great way to see the coming prevalence of geo-location awareness. Enjoy!
Mobile: a perfect storm
I’m in the process of redesigning my site and yes; I have been for several months. I’ve been rebranded myself as of 4 months ago; focusing on social media, mobile marketing and the impact on consumer goods. The redesign is a difficult process and it would be much smarter to just pick an existing template . . . but . . . you know how that whole wisdom thing goes. Anyway, I’m in...
Location . . . wherever it makes sense
Finally got to watch the webinar that Placecast put on and there was a portion of the presentation that really got my attention. It was the Sonic Burgers case study. They used location based SMS marketing to attract customers which is going to increase in popularity with businesses like Placecast. What they did that I thought was interesting was allow for other venues to act as triggers for the...
Be a local with Aloqa (video)
Aloqa is another great example of personalized location based services. Enjoy!
Behold, the power of the Splinternet!
I recently met with a business that was looking for a Director of Digital Opportunities and being a HUGE fan of vague/ethereal titles (no really), I was most interested in the”digital” part of the title. As I’ve mentioned on this blog in the past, there is enormous collision going on between the online world and the tangible world. (Reminds me of that car commercial where he...