OpenStreetMap is 10 years old! I can’t believe it’s been that long . . .
Here is some eye candy -which I believe shows how the data was mapped out over time. (At least that is what I chose to believe.) Enjoy!
Additional ways to contextualize maps
If you’ve read this blog for any length of time (and I hope you have and If you have I owe you $5), you know that I love maps. I believe that maps are incredible ways to show information and could be a great way to know someone. I’m  a huge fan of using Google Maps on the iPhone to find good what I’m looking for. The accuracy is amazing and getting better in the rural areas...
Location . . . wherever it makes sense
Finally got to watch the webinar that Placecast put on and there was a portion of the presentation that really got my attention. It was the Sonic Burgers case study. They used location based SMS marketing to attract customers which is going to increase in popularity with businesses like Placecast. What they did that I thought was interesting was allow for other venues to act as triggers for the...
Indoor mapping service Micello (video)
People tend to think of mapping as it relates to the outdoors. As you can see from my recent posts, mapping has anything to do with point A and point B. Enjoy the video!
The New Google Latitude
The Google Latitude is another mechanism for conduit marketing. This may be more personal since it is coming less from the broadcast of Twitter to more peer to peer recommendation. They focus on the real time usage but I’d still like to see location based reminders.
Zappos Puts Shoes on the Map
Zappos has a very unique discovery tool that places clickable images of shoes that people have ordered on a map; real time. Go to: and you can see. It’s hypnotic in the same way that Twittervision 3D is, except that it makes you want to buy shoes. When you see a shoe that you like you can click on the image and it will take you to the eCommerce piece where you can buy. Want to know what...
Map Schmap!
Way back in July (sound familiar?) I posted about Twitter, geo-targeting and location based services combining to create what I referred to as conduit marketing. (Also talked about it here and recently here.) About a month ago I heard of a company called Schmap and how they were using Twitter to essentially create the foundation for this type of service. They call it Geotweeting. (Brightkite does...