
SxSWi 2016


Last year, I was on a flight from Austin to Denver, frustrated that I was unable to attend more sessions at SxSWi. It was my first year and I was overwhelmed by the quantity/quality of information. I had attended 4 days of sessions from 9am to 5pm and still only scratched the surface. As I sipped yet another Coke, I thought to myself; “I need an army.” Then one of the many voices...

SXSW Day 2: Forget Loyalty, Build Habits


My second day was a good one. I went to see the session entitled Forget Loyalty, Build habits with the VP/Digital for Julep Beauty, @lesliefeinzaig. Leslie is a gamer and has a gaming background so she has had some experience with building habits. Her goal with Julep is to create habits for influencers and as she said, “information is their social currency”. This information helps the...

Mobile Consumer Behavior: Classes


This may be the longest post in the history of the Internet. It may break it. Ideally this would have been done the day I taught the class but this quarter was exceptionally busy. In fact, the last time I was that busy was during grad school while working a full time job. I was a human piñata this quarter. But below is an outline of what material I covered during the class. Intro – The first...

McKinsey’s David Edelman on digital marketing (video)


There are some compelling items in this video. Some of my favorites are: The concept of the campaign is and has been deconstructing. It’s not about promoting a product you need to move. It’s more about the conversation you’re having with your customers and providing them exactly what they need. (This is no small task.) The internal marketing process is more like agile...

The death of the marketing campaign


I had coffee with the CEO of a very large agency this past week and during our conversation, he mentioned that one of the things he sees is business struggling with is the demise of the marketing campaign. (Did I mention this he runs a VERY large agency?) To be honest I wasn’t shocked by this statement as it’s something I’ve seen over the past 4 years. I was surprised that an...

Connecting (video)


Let’s get one thing straight before you watch this video. Usability – also known as interaction design - IS marketing. It’s an inbound/on-demand world and if you get in your customer’s way: You’ve failed.
This is an amazing video (18 minutes and worth every second) that highlights some of the impacts of the Post-PC era and touches on a Post-digital world. Enjoy!

Marketing personas need Brand Graphs


I was in a LEGOs’ store today and was wishing I was 10 again. Not that you need an excuse to enjoy yourself with kids toys but it sorta helps. It was amazing how busy the store was and made me feel like I’d wandered into the Apple store. As I watched my son assemble LEGO characters I started to think about how LEGOs had impacted my early life and then thought about how Apple had...