Reid Hoffman talks about LinkedIn: past, present & future.
Cultural notes on Brazil from Ricardo Mello
Back in May, I emailed a friend of mine from Brazil, about the graph below and asked him: what is up with Brazilians?!?!? His response is as follows: Brazil had an early start adopting the internet and in fact, over the years developed a strong internet culture and environment. It has local internet companies and probably around 80,000 million people with Internet access (Brazil’s active...
B2B Social Media Statistics from DemingHill (video)
Information Technology Strategy: Class 3 – Social Media
Monday night we began covering social media and how to develop deep relationships online. We walked through the conceptual model of Findable, Recommendable, Transparent and Collaborative. From there we moved on to the benefits of social media. Habitual vs. Loyal – Buying from Amazon is a habit of mine. I would just as likely to to to buy my books. Craftsman Mentality –...
Oliver Blanchard on Social Media ROI
The thing that always frustrates business when talking about social media and ROI, is when I tell them it depends on their business model. This makes logical sense but more want there to be a predefined recipe. Not likely but Oliver Blanchard does an excellent job of steering you down the right path. Below is the presentation he did at WOM Super Genius and below that is his PPT. Enjoy!
Why does social media fail?
I got a call from a friend who’s going to pitch some social media work and we got to talking about what direction he wanted to take the conversation. It raised some excellent points that many fail to see unless you’ve been through it. I’ve used this recipe in the past and it has worked for me. Obviously you always want to start the conversation with: “What are your goals...
The Plecostomus and the myth of the social media Guru
The Plecostomus is a fish that’s commonly referred to as a sucker fish. It uses it’s mouth to adhere itself to the side of the fish tank, feeding off of the algae but the most amazing thing about this fish is that it grows to a size that “best fits” the tank. Maybe other fish do this but this is the only one I know of. Right now you’re asking yourself; What does this...
Social Media Revolution 2: Refresh (video)
Same Fatboy Slim song with new stats. Promoting book Socialnomics. Enjoy!
Social media & location: a restaurateur’s recipe
I recently had a conversation with restaurateur who has been tasked with creating the social media strategy for several restaurants. It was an interesting talk. I’ve had no exposure to this business model other than sitting down to eat or waiting tables as a youth. We talked about the specifics around this business model and I thought it made for an interesting post. It’s also a...
Mobile: a perfect storm
I’m in the process of redesigning my site and yes; I have been for several months. I’ve been rebranded myself as of 4 months ago; focusing on social media, mobile marketing and the impact on consumer goods. The redesign is a difficult process and it would be much smarter to just pick an existing template . . . but . . . you know how that whole wisdom thing goes. Anyway, I’m in...