For the past 9 years, I’ve had numerous real-world clients in my digital marketing classes. The clients shown above are some of the more memorable businesses/projects. (We also help startups/small businesses.) This is an incredible experience for my students and the clients. The students get real-world experience and the clients get free work from some of the brightest minds. If...
Fire up the Photoshop!
I just had one of the best groups of students in 12 years of teaching. They sent me the top image and I felt compelled to create the bottom image!
Dr. Babic Rosario talks about her research on Memes (video)
Dr. Gia Nardini discusses her research around the distraction of our smartphones (video)
Recipe for the Healthcare Feed
Hi! If you’re here, you’re most likely signed up for my Health Innovation course as Daniels College of Business. My goal for you is to develop a curated feed that’s focused on healthcares evolving landscape. Please follow the recipe below and ping me if you have any questions. Note: These instructions are specific to a laptop. If you have Twitter account, login. Then click here...
Professor Jack Buffington on supply chain, Amazon, Walmart and China (video)
Maggie Benware on her experience at Daniels (video)
Congratulations to the students in the MBA@Denver Program! (video)
I was asked to create this video for the graduating class of the MBA@Denver program. (Terrible audio!) It’s an amazing program and Daniels is an awesome school.
SxSW Class Details
I have been taking students to the SxSW conference for the past 5 years and I’m excited to go again this year! I’m writing this post to document some of the details for students interested in taking the class. I’ll bullet them out for clarity. There are two required F2F meetings during the quarter. One close to the midterm and the other right before we go. Exact dates and times...
A Gift
About a week ago I got a text from one of my students, who had recently graduated, telling me that he had a small gift for me. Some tea. After making sure I was allowed to accept gifts from former students, I met him at Daniels and he gave me this amazing gift. Thank you Ji!