Change is good for the soul


If you read this blog with any regularity you will notice the change. After almost 4 years of blogging, a change to the design was WAY overdue. The design is what I would call mobile aesthetic. Mobile does not allow for any shading and shiny 3d bubbles that we’ve all come to know as web 2.0 design. I believe you will see more and more of this design style. Sites like Chrome, do an excellent job utilizing the flat aesthetic. The other thing that’s different is the URL. I’ve never liked the .biz URL and also wanted to separate myself from the Michael Myers of Halloween fame. (This is not the best personal branding move, but with my name, you’re somewhat limited.) Also, I;ve always had plans of inviting other bloggers to contribute. Time permitting, I will be doing that under the CRUCES brand.

Please ping me if you need anything from the old site. As of right now, my redirects are not working due to some fat fingering on my part. Hopefully things will clear up soon. Anyway . . . welcome to the new site!