Several months ago I found an image bookmarking site called FFFFOUND! and I love it. As a kid I looked through Life magazines collection of greatest photos of the 20th century at least a million times. FFFFOUND! is eye candy for the fat kid. FFFFOUND is dope for the drug addict. It is an amazing collection of images saved and shared by its community. The site describes itself in the following way:

FFFFOUND! is a web service that not only allows the users to post and share their favorite images found on the web, but also dynamically recommends each user’s tastes and interests for an inspirational image-bookmarking experience!

The only way to become a member of FFFFOUND! is through member invitation and it is very difficult to find an anyone willing. I have to believe this is primarily due to the fear that someone will get invited that does not have a strong visual sense and pollute the quality of images by uploading cliche images of sunsets, bunnies and beaches, etc.  (I spend a tremendous amount of time looking for images to be used in my posts. I look for images related to the post either literally or metaphorically and the goal is always to end up with something of quality; something I like.) Sites like Mashable have tried to help people become members. There are other sites such as:

Their images are good, but I still prefer FFFFOUND!. You should take a look.