I like the reddit quote from Stephen Colbert; ” I can’t prove it, but I can say it.” From Flowtown! (click on the image for a larger version)
Foursquare infographic for 2010
I got this in my email from 4sq and thought I would share it with you. 3400% growth!!!! (Hint: If you click on the infographic you’ll be taken to a view you can actually read.)
Augmented reality + multitouch + Vuzix glasses, by AR Door
Mark Zuckerberg on Saturday Night Live
Mark Zuckerberg meet Mark Zuckerberg meet Mark Zuckerberg. Enough said. Enjoy!
Gamification explained
Just remember, I don’t make these words up . . . .
Your companies DNA isn’t yours. It’s your customer’s.
I talk to a lot of people about business and new business models. One phrase I’ve heard for many years is; “It’s in the company’s DNA.”. What that used to mean is that the business is a reflection of the employees that build & manage the business. Businesses can only accomplish what employees (and vendors) can accomplish. As the walls of business become more...
Map your connections on LinkedIn
Once again, proving that Data can be beautiful, LinkedIn has released a mapping tool to create some eye candy.
Update:Â The tool. She is gone! (It was pretty cool.)
The reason Eric Schmidt got fired
Update: I’ve been thinking about this post (for obvious reasons to me: which I won’t share) and I feel pretty good about Google’s future. Why? Because they create amazing tools. Those tools can be the social object for all the web to share and talk about. Product focus is the best focus. Given this, I’m sure that Larry and Sergey can successfully lead Google into the...
MegaReader let’s you read on the iPhone while you drive (video)
Oh yeah. I’m sure it’s totally safe. Now if it could just get the stop lights to last longer, so I can get that ever important text message out. (Love the disclaimer at the end.) Enjoy the video!
The impact of social media on architecture
I have a friend who’s an architect and we recently had an interesting conversation around the concept of community; online and off-line. Online communities extend to all areas of the world, filled with people that you’ve met over the years. LinkedIn and Facebook are excellent mediums for international connections as well as connecting with people in the next cube over. As for off-line...