I tweeted months ago, wondering how long it would be before we saw an iPhone instrument only band. The band, ATOMIC TOM, did this out of necessity (their instruments were stolen) but it sounds pretty good. Waiting for the all iPhone instruments studio album.
Retail 2.0 (cont’d)
When I posted about the immediate future of retail (and how retailers need to empower employees) , I focused primarily on the impact that the mobile, social consumer would have on brick and mortar businesses. After getting back from the Shop.org conference I realized that retailers are going to need to empower their employees with the same devices that customers have, only with a focus on the...
Coke’s QR code
Not sure what QR reader you have but I love Optiscan. Which ever one you use, you should scan this. AMAZING!
Kamchatka: an agency that lives within Twitter.
Saw this on The Denver Egotist. Interesting concept for an agency/site – called Kamchatka. Businesses are already doing this in a way by having a LinkedIn account, Facebook page, Flickr page, YouTube channel. This just stretches it to it’s thinnest. What do you think?
What can Samurai Jack teach us about mobile video?
Samurai Jack is an animated series that ran on Cartoon Network from 2001 to 2004. Jack is a soft spoken, man of action that battles his nemesis Aku, throughout many eras. I was and am a fan. Yes. I’m a geek. But before you pass judgment it’s important to remember; no one is cool. My friend Rachel taught me this years ago at a Soundgarden concert at Red Rocks. We were looking out on a...
The default state of the Internet is quickly becoming social and mobile
So . . . I recently saw some stats about people accessing Facebook and Twitter via their mobile devices and the numbers are pretty compelling. Access to social networks from mobile browsers increased from 22.9% to 30.8% (1.2009 – 1.2010) Facebook site traffic from mobile browsers increased from 11,8 million to 25.5 million (1.2009 – 1.2010) Twitter went from 1 million to 4.7 million...
shopkick it to the curb!
shopkick! A great example of a checkin-based loyalty programs.
Those pesky customers and their devices
I’ve been talking to many businesses about where they should be focusing their energies, in regards to mobile site vs. app vs. iPad app vs enormous movable flaming billboard. After listening to many business talk about the performance of their iPad apps vs their site (some selling twice as many items through their iPad app as opposed to their site) I realized that the customer is as usual in...
The localization of social media
I’m at Shop.org with 3,500 other people and just got done listening to the CEO of Urban Outfitters, Glen T. Senk and he brought up an excellent point about retail and locations and what I would call localism. He mentioned the fact that each store in a chain is selling different things based on differing locations. (For those in the retail industry, you would file this under the “duhâ€...
ChatSquare – group text via Foursquare
File this under “Complete No-Brainer!”. Now I want to see this integrated into weeplaces – real time!