At one point Robert Scoble mentions the fact that all “this data” including location lives in disparate silos and says that he wishes there would be one businesses that unified that data. Ladies and gentlemen; that company will be Facebook. Enjoy the video!
Go mobile for brand loyalty
According to Gartner, within 3-5 years smartphones will out number PCs and then eventually take the lead as the number one device used to access the Internet. This doesn’t take into account that more and more information that would be accessed via the Interwebs, is being accessed through apps. As evidenced by the death of the web piece by Chris Anderson. (BTW: It ain’t dead. It’s just...
Your kid’s too soft
I provided some background on Mr. Smiley in my earlier post and now wanted to talk about his book, Your Kid’s too Soft. This book was written, based on Mr. Smiley’s 34 years of teaching experience and talks about the changes in youth he’s seen. Now before you go thinking that this is yet another case of someone complaining about the youth “these daysâ€, it’s important to remember...
Visualize your Foursquare check-ins with weeplaces (video)
Building on the concept of a map of me, weeplaces allows you to map your check-ins. I love this.
FourSquare Visualization by from Eric Wu on Vimeo.
Fixie micro-niche!
I just finished a excellent book called Fixed: Global Fixed-gear Bike Culture. The writing is style is essentially stream of conscious but the insight is appreciated. The book covers the history of fixed-gear bikes. A fixed gear bike (also called a fixie) is a bike with no brakes and no gears. A single chain ring and you can only go “as fast as you can go”. Pedal backwards and the...
Diversify your location
Guess where I am? It’s 7:02 am and ride down a decline on my bike and dismount at the base of the hill. I look out at a massive number of seats and stairs. (69 rows & 192 respectively!) There are a little over 100 hundred people in various states of exercise. Some are running up the stairs. Some are walking back and forth on the seats. Every age is represented and most are fairly fit...
I’ve been Squared
So several months ago I posted a product demo of Square. This is one of those ingenious products/services that make you want to find a reason to use it and the first day I could order a card reader, I did. (I registered in April.) That was mid-May and I received my card reader September 1st. (My wife snickered when I received the package; “It took so long to get here I bet it doesn’t...
EpicMix: RF + social + location = boarding 2010/2001
Amazing new social location-based system created by Vail Resorts.
Facebook and its role in International Business
During my Web 2.0 class, I share with my students my belief about progressive disclosure as it relates to their personal brand. The gist is this. You need a LinkedIn account and it should be something your grandmother (or HR) would appreciate, complete with professional photo dependent on your vertical. You may have a Twitter account and this is a combination of professional insights and personal...
A map of me
I’ve been thinking a lot about maps lately. I’ve never thought of myself as a geography nut and only recently have I come to appreciate the connective tissue that maps provide culturally and experientially. Whenever I’ve traveled and been lost (only happened once; no really!) the map was the universal piece between us that allowed me to convey what I needed. When I was in...