10. You created a profile for your kitty. 9. If someone rejects your friend request, you show up at their house and tearfully demand to know why. 8. You have been diagnosed with something called “Facebook ass.†7. If you don’t update your page for 10 minutes, friends assume you died. 6. Named your daughter Gracebook. 5. Only photos on your Facebook page are of you uploading photos to your...
Information Technology Strategy: Class 10 – Mobile 2.0
For this class, we discussed the massive changes that are taking place in the mobile world and what factors are shaping the evolving landscape. I’m in the process of writing a white paper and hope to have it done within a month. For now, it’s safe to say that the following equation holds true. Smartphone Adoption + Social Media + Location Awareness + Mobile Advertising = Mobile 2.0...
What Zappos can teach us about mobile commerce
When I first heard of Zappos, I thought “No way! Buy Shoes online . . . How do I know how they fit?!?!? That will never work.” Well, after an $1.2 billion acquisition, I stand corrected; in my shoes that I did NOT purchase from Zappos. Turns out, people were willing to buy shoes online. A lot of people. As a matter of fact, I recently asked my class and another I was guest lecturing...
Information Technology Strategy: Class 9.5! – Digital Rights Management
That’s right . . . 9.5. Don’t ask . . . We had Daniel Staley and Kendall Gracey in today to talk about digital rights management (DRM) and how the Internet has impacted it copyright law and what the future may hold. (Students were asked to talk watch This is what I learned today and forgive my note-taking abilities. This post is a bit schizophrenic. For years people have been copying...
The future of search is a layered cake
Some months ago I was surfing the net and came upon a post that featured a brief conversation at the end of it. Someone was watching a panel discussion and they were talking about the future of search. (I wish I could find the post.) They were discussing the rise of social search and predicted that search/search results would eventually have three layers. Social – Return results from your...
Information Technology Strategy: Class 9 – Google
Obviously, Google is a pretty big subject to cover in only one class. You could teach an entire quarter on Google highlighting all that the web giant offers, but . . . I only had 2 hours and 10 minutes. Google, for lack of a better way to say it is the web. Without Google the vast ocean of content would be relatively inaccessible. Metaphorically, Google could also be thought of as the axle and...
B2B Social Media Statistics from DemingHill (video)
Flipboard: A personalized social magazine (video)
Robert Scoble interviews CEO, Mike McCue about his latest iPad app, Flipboard. Great concept and makes you want “better” friends!
Geo-fencing according to Location Labs
I found this video from Location Labs talking about three variations on the concept of geo-fencing. The first time I’d heard of geo-fencing was when Sonic restaurants incorporated it into their marketing mix. My take on what could be done with this is below the video. The three types of geo-fences described in the video are: Static – An individual receives location based offers as...
A recipe for a personalized Twitter feed
After lecturing last quarter, the host professor asked me; “How do you keep up with all that’s going on?”. I told him that I’d setup a personalized RSS feed via Twitter and because of this, I’d found numerous posts, articles, white papers, case studies and other resources that have proven to be invaluable. I don’t tweet much but am an avid Twitter user. That...