Saw this video tweeted from Jeremiah Owyang who said: “Imagine if street art and digital art were combined.” I agree and look forward to this evolving type of art work.
Amazing Virutal Reality from Najork (video)
Saw this video tweeted from Jeremiah Owyang who said: “Imagine if street art and digital art were combined.” I agree and look forward to this evolving type of art work.
I posted a video by Layar featuring augmented reality. I suspected it wouldn’t talk too long before there was one for Twitter and . . . here it is. The potential of augmented reality is just starting and would be a great way to visualize conduit marketing.
Saw this amazing video featuring a different application of augmented reality than what I’ve posted before. The company is called Layar and launched this today for the G1. Wouldn’t this be great on a much larger screen? Like the screen of an iPhone!?!?!