Twitter! Last night we focused soley on Twitter. Arguably Twitter could be the focus of several classes but hard to do with 10 weeks. We talked briefly about the history of the business and how SXSW 2007 was the tipping point for Twitter. We also discussed how the technology/business was briefly called twitch (as in that is what you did when your mobile device went off.) I like it in only that...
ITEC-4700: Class 6 – flickr
We covered flickr last night. Yes, flickr is a robust Web 2.0 community. We reviewed its history and evolution from a tool set to its current function. We reviewed the community and functions like image tagging (rollover image and see the magic), geo-tagging. We also tried to export an image into my blog after tagging the image, but unfortunately, it didn’t work. That could be an amazing...
ITEC-4700: Class 5 – Wikipedia
Last night we reviewed Wikipedia as a business (cleverly using Wikipedia) and we looked that the other businesses that Wikipedia has created. Wikibooks – A collection of educational textbooks that anyone can edit. Wiktionary – Their version of a dictionary. Wikiversity – Content around learning resources and learning projects. Wikinews – User generated news. Wikispecies...
ITEC-4700: Class 4 – blogging
Had a great class on Thursday and talked about blogging and how it can be used to build your business. We specifically covered its impact on SEO and transparency. Blogging can cover all four levels of online relationships: finable, recommendable, transparent and collaborative. We also talked about Google’s battle with China and how microblogging is happening without Twitter in China. We...
ITEC 4700: Class 3 – social objects, social graph, social capital
Tonight was our third class and we discussed the concepts of social objects, the social graph and the social capital; what can I say, it was a social night. We reviewed the importance of identifying and tying experiences to your product/service. We talked about the rules of building social capital according to Chris Brogan: Listen first – before you do anything, make sure you know who...
ITEC 4700: Class 2 – Conceptual Model cont’d
Class last night was good. We ran through the conceptual model (four tiers of increasing engagement) I developed to define the relationships that businesses can have with customers online. The questions were good and we reviewed the need for SEO. At the end of class we had a conversation about their businesses and how deep down the model, they felt they could get while thinking about what types...
ITEC 4700: Class 1 – Conceptual Model
I taught my first class at Daniels College of Business last night. (Web 2.0 for Business Success.) It was awesome and I had a good time. I’ve got a tremendous group of students with a diverse set of interests. We scratched the surface of the artist formerly known as Web 2.0 and then walked through the evolution to the Internet since businesses first entered the fray. We also installed...