Back in the day, online businesses claimed they had a strategic advantage over brick & mortar businesses because of the reduction in overhead and their ability to sell to anyone in the world. Think Amazon. With the rise of location based marketing, brick and mortar may now have the upper hand. As of today, unless it’s a brand you love, search is the key to ecommerce. You look. You find...
Applications; A new twist on data portability
Data portability is a concept that’s been around for a longtime. The initial concept was focused on single sign-on, which meant you could go from site to site (wherever you had a membership) without having to log in. Of course businesses wanted this because they could get a better sense of who you were as a customer BUT companies such as the the artist formerly known as Microsoft wanted to...
Kamchatka: an agency that lives within Twitter.
Saw this on The Denver Egotist. Interesting concept for an agency/site – called Kamchatka. Businesses are already doing this in a way by having a LinkedIn account, Facebook page, Flickr page, YouTube channel. This just stretches it to it’s thinnest. What do you think?
The default state of the Internet is quickly becoming social and mobile
So . . . I recently saw some stats about people accessing Facebook and Twitter via their mobile devices and the numbers are pretty compelling. Access to social networks from mobile browsers increased from 22.9% to 30.8% (1.2009 – 1.2010) Facebook site traffic from mobile browsers increased from 11,8 million to 25.5 million (1.2009 – 1.2010) Twitter went from 1 million to 4.7 million...
The Twitter movie! (spoof of the Facebook movie)
Cultural notes on Brazil from Ricardo Mello
Back in May, I emailed a friend of mine from Brazil, about the graph below and asked him: what is up with Brazilians?!?!? His response is as follows: Brazil had an early start adopting the internet and in fact, over the years developed a strong internet culture and environment. It has local internet companies and probably around 80,000 million people with Internet access (Brazil’s active...
Locals only: What does hyper-local mean?
We’ve been hearing the term hyper-local thrown around and declared the future of social media/mobile for the past year. Sounds great. Now, what the hell does it mean? At 30,000 ft, hyper-local means instead of saying Denver, you’d break Denver out into its constituent parts such as Highlands, Capital Hill, LoDo, LoHi, Edgewater, Cherry Creek and WashPark. Something, only locals would...
A recipe for a personalized Twitter feed
After lecturing last quarter, the host professor asked me; “How do you keep up with all that’s going on?”. I told him that I’d setup a personalized RSS feed via Twitter and because of this, I’d found numerous posts, articles, white papers, case studies and other resources that have proven to be invaluable. I don’t tweet much but am an avid Twitter user. That...
Interactive Twitter-based murals promoting Canada (video)
Awesome example of the collision between the real world and the virtual world by the Canadian Tourism Commission. Queue O Canada!
Information Technology Strategy: Class 3 – Social Media
Monday night we began covering social media and how to develop deep relationships online. We walked through the conceptual model of Findable, Recommendable, Transparent and Collaborative. From there we moved on to the benefits of social media. Habitual vs. Loyal – Buying from Amazon is a habit of mine. I would just as likely to to to buy my books. Craftsman Mentality –...