If you’ve used Twitter for any length of time, you’ve realized that Twitter’s strength is that it’s conversational. People pepper their conversations on Twitter with explanatory items and descriptions but keep it conversational to appeal to those they’re talking to. People optimizing content for Google enter data points that hopefully connect them with the...
Mobilizing your Brand
This post was originally featured as a guest post on think (here). I put it together for a good friend of mine, Jason Markow (@jmarkow). His blog focuses on helping entrepreneurs. The content of the post is based on a lecture I’ll be giving at the Rocky Mountain Direct Marketing Association on January 13th. (I’ll post the details when they have them up on their site.) Enjoy! Just in...
Twitter lists: another building block of the niche social network
I saw a tweet this morning from @kim about a search engine for Twitter lists. It’s aptly named List Browser and was created by Dave Winer. For those of you that haven’t heard of Twitter lists yet, they’re a way of organizing the people that you follow. The hopes is that you will categorize your contacts into categories, thus allowing others to follow the list all with one click...
Twitter the political tool
We are all familiar with Twitter as a communication tool. A form of personal RSS. What has become more evident in recent months is Twitter’s ability to wield political influence. In April, the people of Moldova used Twitter to help organize their revolt. Moldovans used #pman; an acronym for PiaÅ£a Marii Adunări NaÅ£ionale which is a large square in the capital city, to string information...
When a Tweet isn’t a Tweet
I recently reviewed Twitterville by Shel Israel and in that book he mentioned the fact that Astronaut Mike Massimono did not physically Tweet from space back earlier this year. When I initially read that an astronaut was Tweeting from space, I like, most others wanted to believe that he actually pulled his mobile out (or at least his laptop) and typed up the message himself while floating miles...
A Trip to Twitterville
This is my third book report and again, the spoiler alert is in effect. I recently finished the book Twitterville by Shel Israel who also co-authored a great book on blogging entitled Naked Conversations. Twitterville is well written and describes in detail much of the world that we are only now beginning to see. It reviews how businesses/people use the application and the diverse methods people...
Embrace the Brand Challenge
I’ve been reading Word of Mouth Marketing by Andy Sernovitz and it has some great insights. (Book report coming soon!) In one section of the book he mentions Harley Davidson, Apple and Nikon as brands that have a rabid fan base via word of mouth. These are brands that we’ve all heard of and when I thought about it, with the exception of Nikon, all are noted as a complete pain in the ass...
Augmented Reality for Twitter with TwittARound
I posted a video by Layar featuring augmented reality. I suspected it wouldn’t talk too long before there was one for Twitter and . . . here it is. The potential of augmented reality is just starting and would be a great way to visualize conduit marketing.
Spacey Explains Twitter to Letterman (video)
Twitter is Delivering on the Promise of Niche Social Networks
For those of you living under a very heavy rock, buried deep underground, there is this service called Twitter which has recently garnered a lot of attention. It uses what is called “micro-blogging” (140 characters or less) to tell others that follow you, what you’re up to. A personal RSS feed. Very simple idea and even though we are just at the beginning of this phenomenon...