Need Mobile? Embrace Twitter!
Been talking with a friend about “what to do with Twitter”. You may have heard of it. Along with not knowing how to use Twitter for their business they have also been wondering what to do in the mobile space. Should they create an iPhone application? Are adoption rates high enough to warrant action? Should they go through the incredibly lengthy process of creating a mobile marketing...
Will Ford Get Their Fiesta?
Ford has created a new social media campaign called the Fiesta Movement and the goal is to (you guessed it) sell cars. Ford has found 100 web-minded individuals “Agents” and have given them a Ford Fiesta to test drive. Every month for six months, each Agent will be given a mission starting tomorrow. Many people in the industry are watching to see if this project is a success...
Map Schmap!
Way back in July (sound familiar?) I posted about Twitter, geo-targeting and location based services combining to create what I referred to as conduit marketing. (Also talked about it here and recently here.) About a month ago I heard of a company called Schmap and how they were using Twitter to essentially create the foundation for this type of service. They call it Geotweeting. (Brightkite does...
The Return of The Mighty Jane’s Addiction
In late 1991 Jason was hiking through the Sonoran desert in Arizona. The terrain was varied with flat spots and rocky outcroppings. As he came up over a ridge the land opened up into a small valley. In the middle was a small box, standing upright, about 10 inches high. He hiked down the interior towards the box. As he got closer he recognized the packaging as a box of Triscuits. When he reached...
Funny Cartoon about Twitter Life!
Google is Going to Buy Twitter
I read in TechCrunch last week that Twitter is going to be enabling search across all tweets in the near future. From this, businesses will able to enable intent marketing (a term that came up after a conversation with the CEO and founder of DOUBLE ENCORE, Dan Burcaw: interview coming soon!). With intent marketing a marketer can know what a user is looking for if/when they tweet/post about it...
Businesses on Twitter
A couple of days ago, I saw that Twitter is going to begin charging businesses for their Twitter accounts. The industry question around Twitter (and all social networking sites for that matter) has been; how are they going to monetize? Twitter is officially exploding this year and recently raised $35 million in capital. The real question is; who will follow these businesses? When Walmart put a...
Twitter the Interrupter
When I travel I like to immerse myself in the culture as much as possible. I try to eat what the locals eat (a la Anthony Bourdain), shop where the locals shop and find activities specific to that location. I’m amazed at how some tourists, in a “memory recording frenzy” surround items of interest and shoot video, take pictures and generally avoid the actual experience. It really...
A Business Model for Twitter that Won’t Work (and then one that will)
Fans of Twitter have openly wondered how they’re going to make money. They have over 2 million users (and growing), a rabid fan base but still no revenue. This is common among Web 2.0 companies; get the audience and then figure out how to monetize later. I keep wondering when the later will be. I started to think I had figured out how to monetize twitter; but later figured out it would fail...