I have been a fan of TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) since 2006 when I stumbled upon a video of a man talking about the intelligence of Octopi. Wikipedia has more background information than I’m willing to get into for this post and it would suffice to say that TED conferences and their speakers provide profound perspectives. The goal of the organization (my own words) is to bring thought leaders together from a diverse array of studies to help encourage cross-pollination; in whatever form that may take. For those on the outside (conference attendance is by invitation only), we get to watch the presentations on TED.com, experiencing them vicariously.

Last night I watched a documentary about TED on iTunes called  TED: The Future We Will Create. One of my many goals is to speak at TED. Has been since I started watching videos regularly. They recently started a new program called TEDx.  It’s  “a new program that enables local communities such as schools, businesses, libraries, neighborhoods or just groups of friends to organize, design and host their own independent, TED-like events.”. The University of Denver recently organized a TEDx event for May 13th, aptly called TEDxDU.  They’ve been slowly releasing the names of the presenters and I received my registration confirmation the other day. Very excited to go! Below are a collection of some of my favorite TED presentations. Enjoy! If you’re in the Denver area, you should definitely come to the event. Register here.