The default state of the Internet is quickly becoming social and mobile


So . . . I recently saw some stats about people accessing Facebook and Twitter via their mobile devices and the numbers are pretty compelling.

  • Access to social networks from mobile browsers increased from 22.9% to 30.8% (1.2009 – 1.2010)
  • Facebook site traffic from mobile browsers increased from 11,8 million to 25.5 million (1.2009 – 1.2010)
  • Twitter went from 1 million to 4.7 million (1.2009 – 1.2010)
  • 1/3 of all Internet traffic in the US is on Facebook
  • Over the next 4 years the smartphone will outnumber PCs/laptops and become the number one online device, behaviorally speaking.

These numbers don’t even take into account the access to social venues via the apps they’ve created. So . . . it seems pretty obvious to me that the default state of the Internet (vs. the web; see the difference here) is evolving to become social and mobile.

As a business, it’s important think about what this means for your business model and more importantly, who can help me navigate these new waters.